
by Madepa



MADEPAPP is an internal consultation application addressed to the employees of the company MADEPA S.A.This version includes the following features:Version 1.0• Approval flows for Personnel Requirements,• Approval flows for Contractual Changes of Personnel,• Approval Flows for Vacation Requests,• Monthly Remuneration Consultation,• API for Corporate HR Chat,• Assistance Control Dialing Queries,• Consultation of Extraordinary Hours,• Consultation of Vacation Balance and Vacation History.Version 1.2In this version the following features were included:• Birthday Consultant of the Month• Quinquennial Consultation• Notifications Tray• Personalized congratulations for Birthday• Personalized congratulations by Quinquenios• Optimizations in functionalityVersion 1.3In this version the following features were included:• Approval Earrings Alerts• Notifications Alerts• Version update alert• Optimizations in functionality